Sunday, June 10, 2012

Myst 3: Exile

 There are 3 tracks of the Myst 3 score. And, yes I'm stretching the realm of paranormal tunes here on, well, Paranormal Tunes. why not include video games in with other media?
So, this one will be loaded... I have four selections for your listening pleasure here. First is the Main Title track. It is fantasy, mystical, epic like Lord of the Rings or Narnia in scope. It brings to the imagination fantasy creatures battling it out in an epic war of good and evil or something to that effect! Very haunting indeed. The next track, is #5 on the CD and is called Saavedo's Theme. It is an eerie techno chiller sounding theme. Great for the dead of night and sneaking around stealthily. Also has 'feed back' sounds like what you might get on an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) recording... like metallic hinge squealing type sounds. Third up is track #12, Theme from Edanna. This track has a desert dwelling, mystical sound of Egypt meeting a Muslim/ Hindu prayer/poem being sung out! Very unique... kind Arabian Knights! Think of a mighty Djinn when you take this one in! And lastly, is a bonus track sung by composer Jack Walls wife. It has a 'James Bond' feel to it and is just a great track. So, here they are! BTW, no lyrics other than the bonus tack, but it's a bonus not necessarily paranormal, so no lyrical attachment here.

 So, there you have some exciting haunting and amazing music from the PC game Myst 3: Exile composed by Jack Wall.

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