Friday, June 15, 2012

She said, she said & Eleanor Rigby

The Beatles, ah, the Beatles. They were huge! And the British invasion that they started... well, it would appear that Paranormal Tunes have been around for quite along time. The Beatles brought us 2 such songs on their 1966 release 'Revolver'. They had ties to the occult, and what not, but the majority of their music would not be considered 'paranormal' I mean, 'I wanna hold your hand'? Really... Anyway, the two selections we have here are Eleanor Rigby and She said, she said. I'll let you figure how they are paranormal.

Ok, look at the black and white cover for Revolver, it could be paranormal! John is sporting the same eyes as a grey alien... oh John... George has the 'alienesque' eye thing too, and Paul looks kind elvin minus pointy ears. And Ringo is, well, just Ringo, however.
My apologies on the video for Eleanor Rigby, I will add a new one to the bottom of the post that actually has all the vocal tracks.

She said, she said                                                                         Eleanor Rigby

She said "I know what it's like to be dead                                  Ah, look at all the lonely people(2x)
I know what it is to be sad"
And she's making me feel like I'd never been born                     Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice
                                                                                                in the church where a wedding
I said "Who put all those things in your hair                               has been. Lives in a dream
Things that make me feel mad                                                   Waits at the window, wearing a face
And you're making me feel like I've never been born"                that she keeps in a jar by the door
                                                                                               Who is it for?
She said "You don't understand what I've said"
I said "No, no, no you're wrong.                                                (chorus) All the lonely people
When I was a boy everything was right                                     Where do they all come from?
Everything was right"                                                                 All the lonely people
                                                                                                 Where do they all belong?
I said "Even though you know what you know
I know that I'm ready to leave                                                   Father McKenzie writing the words
Cos you're making me feel like I've  never been born"                of a sermon that no one will hear
                                                                                                No one comes near
She said "You don't understand what I've said"                           Look at him working, darning
I said "No, no, no you're wrong                                                 his socks in the night
When I was a boy everything was right                                      when there's nobody there
Everything was right"                                                                 What does he care?

I said "Even though you know what you know                            (Chorus)
I know that I'm ready to leave                                                    Ah, look at all the lonely people(2x)
Cos you're making me feel like I've never been born"   
                                                                                                 Eleanor Rigby died in the church   
She said "I know what it's like to be dead                                  and was buried along with her name
I know what it is to be sad                                                        Nobody came
I know what it's like to be dead..."                                             Father McKenzie wiping the dirt
                                                                                                from his hands as he walks from
                                                                                                the grave
                                                                                                No one was saved

                                                                                                All the lonely people (Ah look at all
                                                                                                the lonely people)
                                                                                                Where do they all come from?
                                                                                               All the lonely people (Ah, look at all
                                                                                               the lonely people)
                                                                                               Where do they all belong?

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