Friday, June 15, 2012

Waiting for a girl like you & Girl on the moon

Foreigner is one of the greatest bands of the '80's. The Song 'Waiting for a girl like you' is a timeless classic. It may not be directly paranormal in content, but as for sound, it has a hypnotic instrumental part that just lulls and mesmerizes! Lead singer Lou Gramm  said that when they recorded this song, there was an amazingly drop dead gorgeous lady who entered the studio and it was as if he were singing this song to her. After the recording session, no one else that was there even saw the gorgeous woman... Lou and the band consider it a muse of spirit helping the recording of this track along! You be the judge!


 Waiting for a girl like you appeared on the Foreigner 4 album along with another  'Paranormal Tune', Girl on the moon. My take on it, whether correct or not, is that either the author of the song is having a lucid dream, an O.B.E. (Out of Body Experience), or is in a transcendental state. Any way ya look at it, Girl on the moon is an equally catchy and accessible tune with some truly paranormal potential going on!

 Waiting for a girl like you                                                             Girl on the moon
So long I've been looking to hard                                                 It's night again
I've been waiting too long                                                            Time for my mind to go wandering
Sometimes I don't know                                                              Off on a journey
what I will find                                                                             through space and time
I only know it's a matter of time                                                   In search of a place 
When you love someone (2x)                                                      I can never find
                                                                                                  So I close my eyes
It feels so right                                                                             and look inside.
So warm and true                                                                        I can't forget
I need to know if you feel it too                                                    the night that I saw her,
                                                                                                  we never met 
Maybe I'm wrong                                                                       She felt so close to me
Won't you tell me if                                                                     as I reached for her hand
I'm coming on to strong                                                               she drifted away with the
This heart of mine                                                                        desert sand
has been hurt before                                                                    It was her, she was gone
This time I want to be sure
                                                                                                   I wish she'd come back tonight
(chorus) I've been waiting                                                            Like a star shining bright
for a girl like you to                                                                     But I know where she's from
come into my life                                                            (chorus) She's like a girl on the moon
I've been waiting                                                                         A girl on the moon
for a girl like you                                                                          She's like a girl on the moon
who'll love and will survive                                                           A girl on the moon
I've been waiting
for someone new                                                                         Yes it's night once again
to make me feel alive                                                                    and that same old feeling
Yea waiting                                                                                  is setting in  
for a girl like you                                                                           it all seems so familiar
to come into my life                                                                      but I hope this time
                                                                                                    the girl on the moon will
You're so good                                                                             soon be mine
 when we make love
it's understood                                                                              All mine... tonight
It's more than a touch                                                                   Am I asking too much?
or a word we say                                                                         Should I leave my dream
only in dreams can it be this way                                                   untouched?
When you love some one                                                             Should I even know
Yea, really love someone                                                              where she's from?

Well I know it's right                                                                    My girl on the moon
from the moment I wake up                                                         She's my girl on the moon
till deep in the night                                                                      Girl on the moon
There's no place on earth                                                             My girl on the moon
I'd rather be                                                                                (Girl on the moon) (repeat 9x)
than holding you tenderly


I've been waiting,
waiting for you
(I've been waiting for a girl like you,
I've been waiting)
Won't you come into my life
(Waiting for a girl like you)


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