Thursday, May 31, 2012

Nightmare on my street!

I wanted to get some content on here, so I figured I'd go the quick and simple route. Here we have a fun offering from none other than the Fresh Prince himself, Will Smith. I'm glad that Will is just Will these days, but boy was his run with Jazzy Jeff some good times!
 Nightmare on my street is, of course Wills own personal encounter with Freddy Krueger. It was released in 1988 on the "He's the DJ, I'm the rapper" album, and on their greatest hits album.
 I found a cheater video on Youtube, and I deffer to it mostly to bring more content to this blog, but I must admit it does simplify things knowing that I can put this video up and kill two birds with one stone (lyrics AND the video!). I hope that by the end you are grinning ear to ear... this song is a hoot!
 As with a lot of Will Smiths talented offerings, this song is fun, funny, entertaining and enjoyable. Hip hop/ rap may not be your cup 'o tea, but hopefully in giving this a listen, it'll be as fun as going to a movie!
 So, with out further adeux, I give you...
Nightmare on my street! BTW, I really did live on Elm street for a short time! It was more of a tragedy than a nightmare, but that's another story!

 Also, I have been pretty '80's heavy with the songs posted... I have some others coming that will change that up too, so stay tuned! Get it... tuned!

Band of the Hand

This is the 1986 movie Band of the Hand. I couldn't quite figure out how to just manipulate the clip of Shriekbacks' song Faded Flowers, so if you just want to view it, forward to 0:30:00 and watch to 0:33:30. That is the entire Santeria scene with the song Faded Flowers.

Faded Flowers

Maybe I just have a thing for the '80's, but there are sooooo very many songs from that era that either are directly paranormal, or are hauntingly beautiful.
Here I submit to you a song that is (I think) pleasingly both.
The band is Shriekback and the song is called 'Faded Flowers'. It was featured in the 1986 B movie 'Band of the Hand'. The particular scene it was placed in, was a lead into a scene where the lead bad guy, Nestor (James Remar), tells the gorgeous young leading lady, Nikki (Lauren Holly)  to go to his bed room, take off her clothes and wait for him there. He does a line of coke, and dismisses Nikki to go to the bed room. Once there, the lights go out, it gets dark and there's an eerie blueish light glowing from the bedroom closet. As she approaches, the camera pans around to reveal Nestors' Santeria altar with a chicken sacrifice, a skull and appeasement offerings on it. Needless to say, it gets the imagination going as to how bad this situation will turn out. Faded Flowers is a hauntingly beautiful song with phrases included that I speculate are occult, but still need to confirm. The allusion to ritual and the poetic magic of the lyrics is amazing.
 Whether you like this song or not, is up to you. First I'll post lyrics and then other for you to peruse. With that... enjoy!

This is the sound of poisons
The sickness no one knows
No one is crying for us this time
Our shapes are blurring
under miracles of snow
Weave a circle 'round him three times
You have to plan your moves at these times
Our hearts are breaking
One more song to go

These eyes are blind
This is a pure thing
These hands I kiss
Tragic as anything
These eyes are blind
This is a pure thing
All splash and hiss
Beyond my measure

Only the anacrucis
The main event remains
Shameful and naked, out there
In the great cold outdoors
We have to learn these things again
Bathe in this incandescent glow
The leap to something I don't know
There is no doubt upon us when
The greasy men come back again


These faded flowers
Precious as memory
A veil of cloud
correct as energy
We had some good machines
But they don't work no more
I loved you once
Don't love you any more


These faded flowers
Precious as memory
A veil of cloud
correct as energy
We had some good machines
But they don't work no more
I loved you once
Don't love you any more

Faded Flowers is from the 1985 album 'Oil and Gold' and was written by David Allen, Martyn Barker, Carl Marsh and Barry William Andrews.

Also, here is a link to the movie Band of the Hand. The scene with Faded Flowers can be seen from 0:30:00 - 0:33:29 The movie Band of the Hand was actually a large link, so it can be viewed on it's own link here at Paranormal Tunes.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Six, Six, Six...

Alright! What a great place to start, but with 666. It doesn't get much more paranormal than that, but WAIT! There IS more! The song 'Six, Six, Six' was done by the Christian pop rock group De Garmo & Key way back in 1984 on their Communication album. The original music video for the song was labeled as 'too graphically intense', and had some editing done to make it more 'conservative' friendly. The particular scene that was changed was when the 'Evil Man of Sin', makes the nonverbal command to the police to '86' the main character, in the original video when the burn barrel is kicked over, the Evil Man ignites in massive flames and walks around as if everything were normal. I guess we can't have any flaming wickedness going on! So It was changed to a crystal ball retrieved from the flames, as you can see in the video link attached. 
 Six, Six, Six is a classic '80's pop, hook 'n goove type rock song. So, for your lyrical pleasure, I submit to you... Six,Six,Six

I was feeling kind of restless
So I went out for a walk
and I ran into a stranger
And for hours we just talked
He said 'I've waited for this moment
All my life. This is it.'
And when I ask him to explain it
He just smiled and told me
'Six, Six, Six.'

He said 'Things will get much better
For tonight is New Age Eve
I can even change the weather
And do things you won't believe 
I've got signs and wonders in my
Bag of tricks.'
And when I ask him to explain it
He just smiled and told me
'Six, Six,Six.'

I said 'Jesus won't you save me
From this evil man of sin
I have read about his future
I don't want to go with him.'
And when I looked up he had gone
But he had left a note that said
'My number is, my number is, my number is,
My number, my number, my number is
Six, Six, Six.'

When morning came I laughed
At what I thought was just a dream
And I went to call my neighbor
And to tell him all I'd seen
But when I reached for my address book
I felt sick
'Cause written across the pages
Every number there was
Flight 666... departing- WELCOME

 So, there you have it. Whether music with a message is your thing, or you are into or opposed to '80's music, this is just well done music.
From a drumming/ percussion stand point,Greg Morrow, who was on this recording played some very technical and mature parts here. No slacking on the drum whackin' here!
 So, maybe this will become a regular listen for ya, or just a great addition to your music collection, at any rate, thanx for checkin' it out!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Welcome to Paranormal Tunes! So many bands write such great songs about a great many things... including the paranormal. I want to post lyrics to songs that are either obviously about the paranormal, or have a haunting 'feel' about them. Music is such an incredible medium to tell stories. Isn't music just poetry with instrumental accompaniment set to it? Or is it a musical score with poetry on top?
 In any event, I'll be posting songs from a wide range of musical styles and tastes. This should be quite the fun blog indeed!
 One of my main goals in this blog, is to open up people to a wide variety of musical styles and to challenge your musical appreciation.
 I will strive to keep music in the more commercial vein, as harder forms of music and alternative styles have quite a bit of occult and paranormal as a mainstay of their lyrics. I am looking more to offer the odd song here and there with more or less 'accessible' forms and styles of music. On first glance, that may not seem like there are many songs to choose from, so I invite you to follow along with me as we uncover some great music that is linked to paranormal.
 I am also open to suggestions of music that you know of that are paranormal in nature!
 Whether the artist or group was deliberate with this, or not, let's have some fun!
 I'm very new to this blogging thing, and am looking forward to see where this goes! I am a paranormal investigator, a proud T.A.P.S. family member, and have experienced paranormal activity my whole life. I'm also a seasoned drummer/ percussionist of 32 years and enjoy quite a wide spread of music and styles. My favorite time of year, particularly because of music, is Halloween and Fall/ October.
 Thanx for joining me!