Thursday, May 31, 2012

Nightmare on my street!

I wanted to get some content on here, so I figured I'd go the quick and simple route. Here we have a fun offering from none other than the Fresh Prince himself, Will Smith. I'm glad that Will is just Will these days, but boy was his run with Jazzy Jeff some good times!
 Nightmare on my street is, of course Wills own personal encounter with Freddy Krueger. It was released in 1988 on the "He's the DJ, I'm the rapper" album, and on their greatest hits album.
 I found a cheater video on Youtube, and I deffer to it mostly to bring more content to this blog, but I must admit it does simplify things knowing that I can put this video up and kill two birds with one stone (lyrics AND the video!). I hope that by the end you are grinning ear to ear... this song is a hoot!
 As with a lot of Will Smiths talented offerings, this song is fun, funny, entertaining and enjoyable. Hip hop/ rap may not be your cup 'o tea, but hopefully in giving this a listen, it'll be as fun as going to a movie!
 So, with out further adeux, I give you...
Nightmare on my street! BTW, I really did live on Elm street for a short time! It was more of a tragedy than a nightmare, but that's another story!

 Also, I have been pretty '80's heavy with the songs posted... I have some others coming that will change that up too, so stay tuned! Get it... tuned!

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